
Training the Mind of the Horse and Rider

Training the Mind of the Horse and Rider
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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall Continues

Fall continues. We have had rain for 5 straight days. Cool, damp rain. Cool mornings, close to freezing temps. I planted roses the last few years, and really haven’t bothered with them, except to plant more in the place of the ones that didn’t grow. This year, we have had some roses bloom. These are the last 3 roses of the season. Even though they were nipped by the cool weather, the fragrance is unbelievable.

The trees in the backyard seem to take a little longer to change colors. Instead of the leaves turning brown and dropping off, they stay green when other trees become bare.

This week, the cooler temps have turned some of the green leaves to the autumn colors of yellows and oranges and rusts.

It’s amazing that some of the leaves are still green. I’m sure that if it keeps raining, or if the wind starts blowing, there won’t be many leaves, colored or green, left on the trees.

I’m hoping for some wind! I need the horse lots to dry up. The horse lots are a mess, ankle deep with wet, slimy, greasy muck. Muck is an undetermined amount of water, dirt and manure mixed together. The only way to survive is with knee high muck boots. You hope the grain tubs are near the fence line. Then you pray that the horses haven’t dump over the tubs, or worse, have dragged the smaller, individual tubs into the slimy mess. If either of these happen, then you have to get into that mucky mixture and upright the tubs or retrieve them from somewhere in the lot. When this happens, you usually have a handful of horses, breathing down your neck for their grain. You feed who you can, keeping the mob away so they don’t bump into you and you end of sitting in the despised wetness.

I’m hoping the wind blows and dries everything up. If the horse lots ever dry up before the snow blows, then they need to be bladed and bucketed into the manure spreader to be spread out on the bean fields. If the wind blows and dries the fields, I’ll be able to get back to riding.

I would be saying “come along on the ride with me”, but I’m not sure when I’ll be riding next. But when I do, make sure to come along!

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