
Training the Mind of the Horse and Rider

Training the Mind of the Horse and Rider
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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Makenzie's First Birthday

Last Thursday, December 10th, was my granddaughter, Makenzie's, first birthday! She's a sweet, happy girl.

Brown hair. Blue eyes.

A bundle of energy. She can crinkle her nose and roll her r's. She's been running since she has figured out how to let go of the couch. She wants to be picked up when she is tired. And best of all, she cries when I leave the room. I love that! I love that she misses me when I leave. I love that she wants me to pick her up and then she won't go to anyone else. I love that she laughs when I laugh at her. Makenzie loves riding horses already!

She loves when she goes to see the horses.

That really makes me happy!

3 generation of cooks.

Cooing with Pop!

She loves to coo when she is tired. What a sweet sound.

What a sweet girl. Enjoy the pics!


Sarah said...

She looks like a sweet girl. You are blessed in so many ways!

small farm girl said...

How cute!!!!

Horses Are Our Lives said...

Thanks! I am really enjoying this little girl!


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