
Training the Mind of the Horse and Rider

Training the Mind of the Horse and Rider
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Goals for the 2011 Year

January 1, 2011

Happy New Year everyone!

I have thought of the year behind us now, and I'm thinking of the year ahead. What dreams do I have? What would I like to accomplish? What will I like to do different? Ride different trails? Go different places?I have thought of what I did last year, what I want to change and what I want to do this year. I'm thinking where I want to be next year, in 5 years, maybe even in 10 years.

Maybe some goals shouldn’t be made for just 1 year, but may take years to complete.For now, some of my New Year's thoughts and goals, as I'll change and add to thisduring the day today, through next week and the following months, are:

1) GET MY CENTERED RIDING CAREER GOING!!! I will attend a clinic this spring, and an update clinic if I have to. I want to qualify to be a Level 2 Instructor. I want to develop an outline that I will use for each lesson. I think when people can take home a description of what they have just practiced, they will remember what to practice and how to do something

2) GET HORSEMANSHIP CLINICS ON THE CALENDAR AND PROMOTE THEM!!! I have decided that I will just set some dates to hold some Horsemanship Clinics, where I can teach the CR exercises. I need to send out emails and try to get some out-of-town clinics together. I’ll try to do a free 4-H clinic, maybe more, and from there, work on getting some extra lessons scheduled.

3) ESTABLISH ONCE A MONTH ADULT RIDE TIME/LESSON TIME/TRAINING TIME, probably at a local arena. I have loved all of my adult lesson times. I just need to establish something here at my barn and maybe at a few local barns, on a schedule.

4) START A TRAIL RIDE GROUP, maybe a once a month time, with emphasis on IMPROVING HORSEMANSHIP ON THE TRAIL. Watch for details. I’ll start with a winter ride, here in February, weather permitting. No storms allowed.

5) KEEPING MY CALENDAR ORGANIZED!!! Write down ride times, training times,mileage etc. I love a calendar, that when you open it, has the week on 2 pages. My last calendar also had a month calendar before the weekly part. But I used my monthly part too much andmy weekly part not enough, ending up with a messy calendar!

6) 5 or 6 CTR's. I will try to attend most of the ones in our region. I see that this year, they have ride in July! I really hate competing during the summer months. I ride in the morning, and done by noon! But CTR’s start early, so maybe July isn’t out. It will all depend on whether the temps are in the high 90’s or not.

7) 1 or 2 ENDURANCE RIDES - maybe 1 50 and 1 100, or 2 50's. Enough said. I hope I can last the distance!LONG TERM GOAL...SEE TEVIS! This one may have to be on my Bucket List, but I want to go see Tevis, or see the area, or ride some of the trail, and within the next few years, ride TEVIS! But I'd be content riding the Tevis route some day! Traci, get ready. I’d really love to get out there this year to see it, ride the trail next year, and compete next year or the year after!!! Big goal!!!

What would you like to do this year with your horse or horsemanship goals?

I would always appreciate ideas on how to accomplish my goals too.We need to work together and encourage each other, and by the end of the year, we are better horsewomen, whether or not we even do a goal, because we are always on a journey, which changes and takes on new directions!

Start to get better organized! check! Well almost, as I’m thinking about it, but I don’t even have my 2011 calendar bought yet!

Happy New Year today and through the year!

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