What do you think of when you think of scavengers? Any wild animal in particular?
Rodents? Coyotes? What about Buzzards?
We usually see a lot of deer along side the road in the late fall during hunting season. I’ve seen a few “regular” birds at the deer. But not a whole flock! And definitely not a flock of buzzards!

Aren’t they ugly birds?
When we stopped the car close to them, they flew off to the trees, but stayed very close. When they circled in the air, they appeared as if they were calling to their friends to come help with clean up. Yuck.
Look at the wind span! Don't they look like claws?
I don't want to see them at night time!
Whenever I think of buzzards I think of that scene in The Red Pony so I don't like buzzards much. We don't have them here just mostly crows that we see doing clean up.
Ooh, what scene in The Red Pony? I know of that book and movie but don't remember reading or watching it.
One time I was riding along my neighbor's field and all of a sudden one of them came swooping out of the edge of the woods right at me! I ducked and the horse spooked! The bird wasn't trying to attack me. HE got spooked. They're scary looking, aren't they? But I love all animals.
That's what hubby said too, that we have mostly crows. We saw these on the road while we were traveling.
I would have a heart attack if something like that swooped down towards me. I'm not sure I could love these things. lol
Good Sunday Morning! I found you thru your comment on Debi's blog, Greener Pastures--A City Girl Goes Country. I clicked on over and I will be reading here and catching up. I love what you say on your header under the title of your blog. For some of us horses are in our lives forever whether we currently ride or not. I have never seen that many buzzards at one place. We have Turkey Vultures in my little bit of country(quite a few)in MissouREE and they have red heads. They pretty much creep me out :) I can't watch the Red Pony because of that scene! The pictures on your sidebar of the horses are lovely. Your husband looks like he could be my husband's brother!!
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