
Training the Mind of the Horse and Rider

Training the Mind of the Horse and Rider
Click on Logo (Original artwork by Lanie Frick for Messick Quarter Horses. Not permitted to be copied)

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Today. March 20. The first day of Spring. But you wouldn’t know it by what it looks like outside.

Snow. 20’s. Wind. Frozen water hoses again!

Cold weather. How can it go from 60’s on Thursday to 30’s on Friday to 20’s today? I was colder today doing chores than all winter when it was in the minuses. Can it be because the snow is melting and everything is thawing, and the dampness is here?

But this also means robins.

Geese flying north.

Green grass starting to grow.

Horses shedding. Horses lying in the sun!

My horses seem to be eating more now than they did all winter. The mares are probably coming in heat! But I noticed the cold is making them shiver. Eating more hay will keep them warm. I hope our tractor gets fixed and I get round bales back out to them. I have had to feed them square bales this week. I don’t like carrying 60-70# square bales, in the mud, and in the cold!

Birds singing. This past week, I have noticed how much the birds are singing. As I was taking pictures of the robins, I noticed how much they sing. They don’t like to sit still very long when they know predators are near. Am I as much a predator as a cat?

Geese flying north. Do you know that when you try taking pictures of them, they are flying very fast? I love watching them fly. I love seeing how they make a V. Do you know that geese are loyal and mate for life? Why did people lost that trait?

29 years ago, there was snow on the ground in Pennsylvania. 29 years ago, I didn’t notice. Today is the first day of spring. Tomorrow is my 29th Anniversary.

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