
Training the Mind of the Horse and Rider

Training the Mind of the Horse and Rider
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

So Windy I Tasted Dirt

Horses have their backs to the wind.

            Today was a complete opposite from yesterday.  Sunny, no wind, 60’s, versus a windy, then more wind, 30’s that drop to low 20’s degree day.  When I did chores, I could taste the dirt in my mouth.  Not just a dusty taste, but actually dirt.  The fields around here are being disked.  Even though most farmers practice the no-till farming practice, this year, they seem to be disking up the soybean fields.  So there seems to be more loose dirt that can blow around.  I guess it would be different if there was snow on the ground.

            Tonight’s weather showed Omaha, less than 45 minutes away, with icy roads and snow/white out conditions, with less than 2” of snow.  We had none of that, just the wind.  It was strange to see cars in the ditch, on the news, knowing that we had just wind here.
I'm glad we didn't have this weather,

only 45 minutes north of us, the wind was blowing, with light snow, that gave white out conditons.
            Needless to say, I didn’t ride.  With the wind, the horses would have been either alert or just tired out from the wind.  Horses need a day out from riding, to rest their legs, and their bodies.  We can’t ride long and hard without conditioning.  We need long, slow rides, then add speed and distance, but not at the same time.
            I had a long, slow day on Shaggy yesterday.  I had a short, slow day on Duke as that is all he can handle right now.  Tomorrow, even though the temps will be low, I hope to have a good ride on Shag.  Long or short, it will be good. I hope there is no wind!

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