
Training the Mind of the Horse and Rider

Training the Mind of the Horse and Rider
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

We have pigs!

Horse related because now I have to desensitize my horses to these smelly, snorty, fast moving creatures. My babies are going to be wonderful trail horses!
Hubby and a friend decided to raise some feeder pigs.  They have been raised outside, so now they are occupying one of my smaller horse lots.  They are suppose to stay in with 1, yes only 1, low electric wire. I'm not trusting that, yet, since they just came on Friday, they are staying confined in a pen.

I just found out that Katie, my boarder has named them all. I told her they are going to market in November and not to get attached!

I'll get back to you with who belongs to the names of Lard, Bacon, Sausage, Porky, etc.

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